Simple Paschal Candle by Dadant
Premium USA Beeswax
Unbleached & Naturally Filtered
Clean & Long Burning
Handcrafted by Artisans
Made in the U.S.A.
Paschal nails are included with all candles.
Paschal Candles
Ornamented Paschal Candle
Investiture Paschal Candle
Christ Our Light Paschal Candle
Merciful Lamb Paschal Candle
Most Holy Rosary Paschal Candle
Messiah Paschal Candle
Serenity Paschal Candle
Resurrection Paschal Candle
Twelve Apostles Paschal Candle
Luke 24 Paschal Candle
Lilium Paschal Candle
Holy Trinity Paschal Candle
Eternal Glory Paschal Candle