Coffee - St. Valentine (Raspberry White Mocha)


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Article number: 210000014651
Availability: In stock (4)
Delivery time: 1-4 Business Days
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Taste: Fruity and bright Raspberry with white chocolate undertones.
Roast: Medium Roast
Region: Single Origin Honduran
Ground Coffee

Catholic tradition has long honored St. Valentine as the patron saint of romance and courtly love. On his feast day this year, delight your coffee-loving special someone with a 12oz bag of flavored medium roast coffee. The Raspberry White Mocha flavor is both aromatic and delicious, ensuring that you'll have a sweet Valentine's Day with your better half.

St. Valentine was an early Christian priest and martyr who remains famous as the patron saint of love, happy marriages, and soon-to-be married couples. Legend says that when a Roman emperor forbade his soldiers to be married - fearing that married soldiers would be unwilling to risk death and leave their wives widows - Valentine married couples in secret. His soft spot for lovers has never been forgotten.
This blend is bursting with juicy raspberry and notes of vanilla and white mocha. It's a delicious way to show your loved ones you care!

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